I had a chicken on my window sill :) - BackYard Chickens
Mar 9, 2009 · So I'm on here wasting my day doing nothing and I hear a bonk on my window. I opened the curtain and one of our younger chickens is sitting there and looking at me. Does this happen to any one else?
How can I dissuade a chicken from perching (and ... - BackYard Chickens
Jul 14, 2014 · my chicken pen backs up to my master bedroom. 3 of my 6 chickens like to sit on my window sill and poop all over it. any suggestions to stop them?
how to keep chickens from roosting on windowsills?
Feb 28, 2025 · Do you have wire over the windows? The wire would both deter them from roosting and protect them from predators.
Just finished up my coop- will the birds roost on the framing
Apr 3, 2023 · I built a nearly identical coop. I just lower the windows near the roost in cold and windy nights. I built my windows as flip downs, so there is no direct flow when lowered to “almost” closed, but open fully for warmer days. Warm breezes are fine.
Cacciatore Chicken on Kitchen Window Sill - YouTube
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Chicken on Window Sill - Pinterest
A curious chicken perched on a window sill, enjoying the view of a tree and building. Discover more DIY and crafts ideas on Pinterest.
17+ Genius Chicken Roost Ideas for Cozy Nights : You Can’t Resist!
Mar 18, 2024 · Install wooden perches along your coop’s window sills for built-in roosting and birdwatching spots. Use 2×2 boards cut to fit snugly into each window framing. Screw or glue the trim boards in place all along the sill.
What does leaving bread slices on window sills mean?
May 3, 2023 · My roommate constantly leaves bread slices on window sills. I’ve tried searching online for answers, but to no avail. Is it some kind of ritual? Edit: I should’ve mentioned that he leaves bread on indoor window sills, so I don’t think he’s trying to feed wildlife. Edit 2: He does it to get the bread hard for the birds.
Chicken flew into a window - BackYard Chickens
Jan 31, 2022 · So my dad was trying to get our rooster back into the coop and our rooster flew over the fence so I came out to help. We tried to get him then he flew across the street and tried to land in a neighbors window sill, instead hitting the window in …
Wonder Chicken on Window Sill - Pinterest
Explore this adorable brown chicken standing on a window sill. Discover the wonder of chickens and their happy antics. Save this Pin for your animal collection.