what are my chances of recovering from c5 palsy? | HealthTap
Sep 23, 2013 · C4-c5, c5-c6 total disc replacement using 2 mobic-c. Will mobile device get dislodged or crack? Will it cause paralysis/ nerve damage if this happens? Can you recover …
superior oblique palsy - HealthTap
my daughter had 4strabismus operations for exo, eso and once superior oblique palsy. she is seeing double all the time and on prism glasses. what to do?: Difficult: This is a situation in …
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retrolisthesis of c5 on c6 - HealthTap
normal? mild straightening normal cervical lordosis maybe positional. minimal grade 1 anterolisthesis c3 on c4 and c4 on c5 minimal grade 1 retrolisthesis of c5 on c6. degenerative …
What is myelomalacia in the cord at the level of c5-c6 disc
May 20, 2020 · What does it mean by severe left neural foraminal stenosis at C5-C6 and C6-C7. Unchanged area of increased T2 signal within the cervical spinal cord consistent with …
What kind of doctor sees somebody for bell's palsy?
Sep 9, 2018 · The most common would be an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist as they treat many with bell's palsy. Neurologists also may treat this problem. Facial plastic surgeons are …
can bell's palsy affect both sides of the face? | HealthTap
Nov 25, 2013 · Rarely: Bells palsy his weakness of the facial muscles perhaps due to a viral infection in the facial nerve. It is rare for this to affect both sides of the face. Anyone who …
Can bell's palsy cause problems with eating/swallowing?
Sep 28, 2020 · What exactly is supranuclear palsy swallowing therapy? Is it possible that not only did the botox paralyze my swallowing but can my cerebral palsy made it worse since it's 10 …
I have lost of normal t2 disc signal intensity is ... - HealthTap
Sep 23, 2018 · Minimal grade 1 anterolisthesis C3 on C4 and C4 on C5 minimal grade 1 retrolisthesis of C5 on C6. Degenerative change disc ridge complexes C4-5 and C5-6. Dens …
My emg result as come back saying i have chronic denervation in …
Sep 13, 2014 · Repeated cervical & thoracic MRIs due to neuro symptoms. reported as normal. however recent EMG & SSEPs show chronic denervation & nerve root involvement C3-C5. …