Elk Taxidermy Mounts
We can do elk taxidermy projects for antlers, skulls, shoulder mounts, wall pedestals, and full-body mounts alike. Looking for a magnificent elk trophy for your North American mammal …
Elk Taxidermy Options
There are several options for your elk shoulder mount. This is a sample of how a standard mount might look. We can face the animals left, right or straight. If you have a large elk, I would …
Elk & Stag Taxidermy Mounts For Sale
The Taxidermy Store has a wide selection of Elk and Stag Taxidermy Mounts For Sale, including shoulder mounts, European mounts, antlers, and much more!
North American Taxidermy Wildlife Mounts for sale. – Mounts For …
This is a Northern Idaho bull elk with a 6 x 6 rack mounted on a solid wood plaque. Nicely finished mount with a leather wrap over the skull cap. Good color and tine lengths on these antlers.
Large Shoulder mount of Rocky Mountain Bull Elk for sale. E-118S
This is a great looking Northern Montana bull elk. He comes from the Mission Range of the Northern Rocky Mountains. A great looking point bull (6 x 6 rack) with good size, mass and …
Rocky Mountain Elk 6×6 Bull shoulder mount for sale. E-131S
Large Montana 6 x 6 bull elk. Great looking shoulder mount taxidermy with a head forward pose. "Excellent" quality North American big game species.
Elk Shoulder Mount SKU 2864 - All Taxidermy
Big 7×8 bull elk with detachable antlers makes it easier to enter small door ways has exceptional detail and hide quality. 358 5/8″ Boone & Crockett score easily earns our Excellent Quality grade.
Elk - McKenzie Taxidermy
Choose from panels, floor pedestal bases, pre-finished habitat bases and table pedestals to accent your mount! McKenzie Taxidermy Supply offers a large selection of Elk Gameheads. …
Rocky Mountain Elk Taxidermy mount for sale. (360 Class) E …
This is a very large 6 x 6 bull elk from the Rocky Mountains! He scores out at 359 1/8″ raw total. We were able to acquire this bull with a group of great taxidermy mounts that had belonged to …
Examples of nice elk mount with 8ft ceiling limitations
Apr 26, 2018 · Hey all, Does anyone have any particular forms or mounts that work well with standard 8ft ceilings? Trying to figure out where to put my bull I got in ND...