Brat Fry
Learn about German-style bratwurst, grills, charcoal, buns, condiments, and delicious recipes for a successful brat fry. Get insider tips from years of experience frying brats in Wisconsin. Find …
Recipes - Brat Fry
Brat Au Jus is very versatile and a staple of classic Brat Fry cuisine. You can make it in advance and let your brats sit in there, just like they're taking a cold bath for an hour or so before you …
About grills - Brat Fry
If you wanna fry brats, there's really only one kind of grill you'll ever need: the classic Weber charcoal grill. And no, Weber does not sponsor this website and Brat Fry Ferg isn't getting …
buns - Brat Fry
All of these features allow you to taste and savor the hot brat inside, which is what you ultimately want, rather than some heavy chewy dough that otherwise might take up 80% of the …
How to fry brats | Brat Fry
How to Fry Brats If you've come this far, you've already read up on how to start the fire . If not, you'll want to go back and review that, since the next steps build upon that knowledge.
Brat Fry FAQs
Back by popular demand, Brat Fry Ferg answers some of your most pressing questions: "Hey Brat Fry Ferg! Why don't your brats have grill marks like I see on tv?"
brats | Brat Fry
If you're somewhat older than young, you can play catch-up by having more Brat Frys at regular intervals. So how can you tell a good brat? The simple answer is: a good brat is a brat that …
Brat Fry Basics
Basic Fact #1 is that if you wanna have a brat fry, you gotta have brats! Follow this link (pun intended . . .) to find out what the heck a brat is anyway.
About charcoal - Brat Fry
Bratfry Ferg is always on the look-out for the perfect charcoal for a Brat Fry. Charcoal briquettes are a must, because lump hardwood charcoal today is just too hot. The challenge, however, is …
Disclaimer - Brat Fry
This website is for entertainment purposes only. That’s right. For fun only. I’m an old retired guy who grew up in Wisconsin and I still enjoy a good brat fry. Twenty years ago, me and my …