Interpret the key results for Boxplot - Minitab
Examine your boxplot to look at the center and spread of your data and compare differences between grouping variables within your data. Examine the median, the interquartile box, and identify outliers as you interpret the distribution of your data.
Boxplot - Minitab
Use Boxplot to assess and compare the shape, central tendency, and variability of sample distributions and to look for outliers. A boxplot works best when the sample size is at least 20.
Overview of Boxplot - Minitab
Use Boxplot to assess and compare the shape, central tendency, and variability of sample distributions, and to look for outliers. A boxplot works best when the sample size is at least 20. By default, a boxplot shows the median, interquartile range, range, and outliers for each group.
As part of the initial investigation, the scientist creates a boxplot of the plant heights from the three groups to evaluate the differences in plant growth between plants with no fertilizer, plants with …
Example of Boxplot - Minitab
As part of the initial investigation, the scientist creates a boxplot of the plant heights from the three groups to evaluate the differences in plant growth between plants with no fertilizer, plants with the manufacturer's fertilizer, and plants with their competitor's fertilizer. Open the sample data, PlantGrowth.MTW.
How to Think Outside the Boxplot - Minitab
Feb 12, 2016 · There's nothing like a boxplot, aka box-and-whisker diagram, to get a quick snapshot of the distribution of your data. With a single glance, you can readily intuit its general shape, central tendency, and variability.
Boxplot - Minitab
This lesson considers the five-number summary statistics – the minimum, median, maximum, and first and third quartiles – including their calculations and interpretation, and how to use them to construct a boxplot to identify skewness and outliers.
Select a boxplot - Minitab
Choose Graph > Boxplot, then select a boxplot based on your data and how you want the plot to look.
Create a boxplot of one Y variable with groups - Minitab
Complete the following steps to specify the data for your graph. In Graph variables, enter one or more columns of numeric or date/time data that you want to graph. By default, Minitab creates a separate graph for each variable.
Practical Statistical Problem Solving Using Minitab to Explore …
Nov 6, 2015 · The individual values plot is useful for simply observing the position of each value relative to the other values in a data set. For example, a box plot can be helpful when comparing the means, medians and spread of data from multiple processes.