Fashion – Bloshka
The Apollo Knot hairstyle is a fashion trend of the 1820s – 1830s. The hairstyle is combed into three parts: in the front, the hair is parted, curled and laid at the sides, and at the back of the head, long hair is combed high and tied in a knot, sometimes called a “crown.”
Bloshka – The place where history lives
1900s Men’s fashion. 20th century. 1960s Timeline. 20th century. Christmas outfits. 18th century. ... _history bloshka_1900s bloshka_1910s bloshka_1920s bloshka_1930s bloshka_1940s bloshka_1950s bloshka_1960s bloshka_art bloshka_fashion bloshka_middle-ages bloshka_things bloshka_XIX bloshka_XV bloshka_XVI bloshka_XVII bloshka_XVIII bonnet ...
20th century – Bloshka
Flappers are the ultra-trendy, fashionable, emancipated young women of the 1920s. These girls are the symbol of the Roaring Twenties. If we talk about the fashion of the 1920s, it is the flappers that personify this style.
19th century - Bloshka
The Apollo Knot hairstyle is a fashion trend of the 1820s – 1830s. The hairstyle is combed into three parts: in the front, the hair is parted, curled and laid at the sides, and at the back of the head, long hair is combed high and tied in a knot, sometimes called a “crown.”
1950s of fashion - Bloshka
Jul 4, 2019 · Brief history of fashion in pictures. Women’s and men’s, headdresses and hairstyles, underwear, swimsuits and bathing suits
1930s of fashion - Bloshka
Apr 21, 2018 · Brief history of fashion in pictures. Women’s and men’s, headdresses and hairstyles, underwear, swimsuits and bathing suits
1920s of fashion - Bloshka
Mar 15, 2018 · Brief history of fashion in pictures. Women’s and men’s, headdresses and hairstyles, underwear, swimsuits and bathing suits
1940s of fashion - Bloshka
May 1, 2019 · Brief history of fashion in pictures. Women’s and men’s, headdresses and hairstyles, underwear, swimsuits and bathing suits
About Us – Bloshka
Bloshka is a blog about the love of history, memories, culture and art, about fashion, travel and distant places of the planet, life and values of the past.
1990s – Bloshka
Bloshka tags. 18th century 1800's ... _history bloshka_1900s bloshka_1910s bloshka_1920s bloshka_1930s bloshka_1940s bloshka_1950s bloshka_1960s bloshka_art bloshka_fashion bloshka_middle-ages bloshka_things bloshka_XIX bloshka_XV bloshka_XVI bloshka_XVII bloshka_XVIII bonnet coat dress fashion gown hairstyles hat headdress history of fashion ...