Bees clustered on inner cover | Beesource Beekeeping Forums
Dec 31, 2024 · I would be shrinking them down to as little space as possible, insulate, and add food. Again, IF the bees pictured are the majority of the population. If the hive is full and a few bees have decided to hang out up top I would lift, tap the far edge of the lid against the hive body to get them to drop off, smoke quick and add more sugar.
How To's With Italian Bees In The North
Jan 5, 2025 · Because there's not enough genetic diversity. We have, generally speaking, weak bees. Even the strongest bees here in the US, are weak compared to the bees in other countries that allow a diverse set of subspecies to intermingle. Import bees, and you will see right away the incredible night & day difference when you add fresh blood to the gene ...
Using heat to kill varroa in capped brood
Jan 16, 2025 · Perform Oxalic sublimation on the hive with bees during the retention time of capped brood in the sealed box. You really can't clean up more than that. Less than 5% mites would remain with the one time two punch treatment. If doing clean starts you'd just open the box after retention time, shake in the nurse bees, and introduce a queen or cell.
OAV is not harmless to winter bees. | Beesource Beekeeping Forums
Jan 4, 2025 · 300 bees is a NORMAL daily die off of worker bees. It is a meaningless number to a healthy colony. And as others have said, if the hive is broodless, 1 treatment is all you need.
Do Bees in Horizontal Hives Really Make Less Honey
Feb 17, 2024 · One of the best attributes is: the bees working both brood and honey frames in-line (at the same time). In a normal 30-frame horizontal the bees work frames from Left to Right or Right to Left. Inline frames are side-by-side. @velacreations has shared build info, so that is a big help in getting a few built. Good luck with your back surgery.
Late Feb Warm Day Inspection - Bees Gone!
Mar 9, 2025 · This time. 2 hives had NO bees on any of the frames. Little or no dead bees on the bottom board. Honey aplenty in the hive. They were strong going into winter. There was some flying on a couple of warmer days in December. Then, in late Feb, there was a fairly warm (50s) day, and there was no flying. I opened one hive and found no bees.
Beesource Beekeeping Forums
Feb 5, 2024 · This forum is dedicated to the discussion and research of all genres of beekeeping history, including; Bee Management, Persons of Beekeeping, Bee Hunting, Archaeology of Beekeeping, Tall Tales, Folklore, Superstitions, Medicine, Beekeeping Antiques, Science and Bees in Warfare.
Build It Yourself - Equipment Plans in PDF format
Mar 9, 2021 · Bees enter the hive from the trap through a piece of 1-1/8-inch diameter tubing that also serves as the mounting for the trap on the hive body. Mounting is accomplished by inserting the tubing into the entrance hole. The screen grid can be removed to clean or to allow the bees unrestricted flight.
If Beekeeping = Agriculture, Should Bees be Treated like...
Jan 9, 2025 · I guess it does sound ironic for a Beekeeper Boris to keep Russian bees in Maine. In neighboring Vermont, Kirk Webster, a long-time commercial treatment-free beekeeper also keeps Russian bees for the last 20 years. Kirk Webster says that the Russian Bees are still “the best primary source of breeding stock for non-treatment beekeeping”.
bees eating antifreeze??? - Beesource Beekeeping Forums
Jul 26, 2006 · Do bees have kidneys? Do they metabolize E-glycol the same as mammals? Maybe it does kill them, just differently. Honestly I've not tested so I don't know. Do you know that there is a "safer" p-glycol that is more environmentally friendly and 'supposed' to be non-toxic to animals. (ex. brand name: Sierra)