Baboon - Wikipedia
Baboons are primates comprising the genus Papio, one of the 23 genera of Old World monkeys, in the family Cercopithecidae. There are six species of baboon: the hamadryas baboon, the Guinea baboon, the olive baboon, the yellow baboon, the Kinda baboon and the chacma baboon.
14 Baboon Facts - Fact Animal
Baboons are primates that are most commonly recognized for their hairless bottoms, colorful face, and thick fur. Their muzzles are long, and they have sharp canines that help them tear into food. They are native to Africa and are ground dwelling, live in large groups with social structure and inhabit savannah, open woodland and hills.
Baboon | African Primate, Social Behavior & Adaptations | Britannica
Jan 11, 2025 · baboon, (genus Papio), any of five species of large, robust, and primarily terrrestrial monkeys found in dry regions of Africa and Arabia. Males of the largest species, the chacma baboon (Papio ursinus), average 30 kg (66 pounds) or …
Facts About Baboons - Live Science
Jan 21, 2017 · Baboons are some of the most identifiable of the monkey world. They have tufts of hair on either side of their faces and large, hairless bottoms that can turn red. These old-world...
Baboon Animal Facts - Papio - A-Z Animals
May 27, 2024 · Baboons are large and powerfully built monkeys that spend most of their time on the ground. They have large heads with long, dog-like muzzles and cheek pouches for storing food with a heavy brow ridge protecting their eyes.
Baboons - National Geographic
Baboons are some of the world's largest monkeys, and males of different species average from 33 to 82 pounds. Baboon bodies are 20 to 40 inches long, not including substantial tails of...
Baboon - African Wildlife Foundation
Did you know there are five types of baboons in Africa? Learn how to tell the yellow baboon from the olive baboon and the chacma — and how AWF protects them.
6 Types of Baboons: Species, Facts and Photos - TRVST
Mar 15, 2024 · Baboons are Old World monkeys of the genus Papio. Six distinct species are primarily found in Africa and parts of the Arabian Peninsula. Previously, there were only five species. In 2020, a phylogenetic study elevated the Kinda baboon from a yellow baboon subspecies to a full species 1.
Baboon Facts & Information, With Pictures & Video - Active Wild
Jul 24, 2015 · Baboon facts & pictures for kids & adults, with in-depth information about all 5 baboon species, diet & habitat. From Active Wild's African Animals series.
Baboon Facts and Threats: Understanding Their Behavior and …
Jul 10, 2021 · With five different species, all residing in Africa or Arabia, they are among the largest monkeys in existence. Living in troops, which can consist of dozens to hundreds of individuals, baboons are highly social animals that rely on each other for protection and survival.