Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) - Wikipedia
Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) is a commonly used protein production strain of the E. coli bacterium. This strain combines several features that allow for excessive expression of heterologous …
BL21 (DE3) Competent E. coli | NEB
BL21 (DE3) Competent E. coli is a widely used T7 expression E. coli strain. Chemically competent E. coli cells suitable for transformation and protein expression. CAUTION: This product …
BL21 (DE3) Competent Cells - Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Scientific BL21 (DE3) Competent Cells are suitable for the expression of non-toxic heterologous genes. The strain contains the lambda DE3 prophage that carries the gene for …
What is the difference between BL21 and BL21 (DE3) competent …
Jan 11, 2016 · BL21 (DE3) is suitable for expression from a T7 or T7-lac promoter or promoters recognized by the E.coli RNA polymerase: e.g. lac, tac, trc, ParaBAD, PrhaBAD and also the …
One Shot™ BL21 (DE3) Chemically Competent E. coli
One Shot BL21 (DE3) Chemically Competent E. coli cells are ideal for use with bacteriophage T7 promoter-based expression systems such as pRSET and pET. This strain had been …
Thermo ScientificTM BL21(DE3) Competent Cells are suitable for the expression of nontoxic heterologous genes. The strain contains the DE3 lysogen that carries the gene for T7 RNA …
BL21 (DE3) Competent Cells - Agilent
Learn about BL21 (DE3) chemically competent cells for protein expression. This derivative for expression of nontoxic proteins features the high transformation efficiency phenotype with the …
The BL21(DE3) competent cells are an all-purpose strain for high-level protein expression and easy induction. The BL21(DE3)pLysS competent cells provide tighter control of protein …
BL21 (DE3) - EcoliWiki
Oct 28, 2024 · The strain contains DE3, a λ prophage carrying the T7 RNA polymerase gene under control of the lac UV5 promoter and lacIq. IPTG is required to induce expression of the …
BL21 (DE3) Competent Cells - Novagen Sigma-Aldrich
BL21 (DE3) is a chemically competent E. coli cell suitable for transformation and high level protein expression using a T7 RNA polymerase-IPTG induction system. This product contains …