BB1 axially split 1 and 2 stage - Sulzer
The HSB API 610 (ISO 13709) Type BB1 is an axially split, single stage, horizontal, between bearing pump. Many HSB pumps are in service on crude oil pipelines in many parts of the world. Its robust casing and custom hydraulics are specifically designed to meet project requirements.
BB1 Single-Stage Double Suction Pump - Pumpworks
The Model PWD is an API 610 complaint Type BB1 axially split, single stage, double suction, horizontal, between bearing pump. The application for the pump focuses on medium to high flow crude oil and petroleum products pipelines and ship loading / unloading applications.
API 610 Centrifugal Pump Types – OH, BB & VS - HardHat …
BB1 Type Pump. The second category of API 610 centrifugal pump is between bearing pump. BB1 (Between Bearing) is a horizontally installed one or two-stage pump. The casing of this pump is an axially split type.
BB1, Horizontal between-bearing - Delta-p
Our basic API 610 type BB1 pumps are foot mounted, axial split, single stage, double suction, between bearing pumps. The pump and motor are flexibly coupled and installed on a common baseplate. The axial split casing design allow removal of the rotor assembly without disturbing the driver, coupling hubs or casing nozzle connections.
BB1 DVS/DVE/BFD pumps, one and two stages between bearings
Running at full capacity for a year, one new DVS centrifugal pipeline pump can save the energy equivalent to the electricity consumed annually by over 200 U.S. homes, while pumping the volume equivalent of an Olympic-size swimming pool every 16 minutes.
HSA axially split single stage between bearing pump - Sulzer
The HSA API 610 (ISO 13709) Type BB1 is an axially split, single stage, horizontal, double suction, between bearing pump. The Sulzer HSA product range is ideal for long term continuous running services in refineries and pipelines.
CUP-BB1 - Single stage, API, axially split, between bearings pump
The ClydeUnion Pumps CUP-BB1 range are heavy duty, axially split single stage design engineered to maximize efficiency, provide high reliability, and offer the widest performance flexibility over the pumps life-cycle.
TRUFLO® DSV Series - API 610 (BB1)
TRUFLO DSV Series is an axially split, single stage pump designed to API 610 (BB1), 11th edition requirements. The double suction impeller provides hydraulic axial balance and is designed for maximum hydraulic efficiency. Double volume design minimizes hydraulic radial loads, even at minimum flow.
API 610 BB1 PROCESS PUMPS key features HSC, single stage, centre-line mounted, axially-split, centrifugal pumps. 40 bar pumps to API 610, 11th Edition. -40°C to 200°C temperature applications. Fully enclosed impellers. A range of alloys available on request including NACE compliant materials.
API Marelli BB1 Pumps | Sundyne
These precision engineered API/ISO 13709 process pumps meet rigorous engineering requirements for medium to high flow crude oil and petroleum products, pipelines and ship loading & unloading applications.