Anne Case
Anne Case is the Alexander Stewart 1886 Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Emeritus at Princeton University. Dr. Case has written extensively on health over the life course.
Bio - Anne Case
Anne Case is the Alexander Stewart 1886 Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Emeritus at Princeton University. Dr. Case has written extensively on health over the life course.
Publications - Anne Case
Anne Case, Angus Deaton. 2024. “ Accounting for the Widening Morality Gap Between Adult Americans With and Without a BA ”. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity .
Research - Anne Case
Anne Case's SPIA profile; Research Program in Development Studies; Center for Health and Wellbeing; Office of Population Research; Princeton Economics Department; Other Resources. National Bureau of Economic Resarch (NBER) Philani Nutrition Centres, South Africa
Spatial Patterns in Household Demand - Anne Case
Anne Case Alexander Stewart 1886 Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Emeritus Off screen: Skip to content Off screen: Skip to search
Papers and Publications | Professor Sir Angus Deaton
Anne Case, Angus Deaton. 2024. “ Accounting for the Widening Morality Gap Between Adult Americans With and Without a BA ”. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity .
Anne Case | Anne Case - accase.scholar.princeton.edu
Case, Anne, and Angus Deaton. 2021. “MORTALITY RATES BY COLLEGE DEGREE BEFORE AND DURING COVID-19”. NBER Working Paper Series.
Deaths of Despair - Professor Sir Angus Deaton
Living and Dying in America in 2021, Anne Case and Angus Deaton (Project Syndicate, December 2020) “There’s Something Clearly Wrong With Our Corporate System, in Which Pharmaceutical Companies Are Allowed to Kill People for Money” .
Awards - Anne Case
Anne Case is elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences. July 2019. Anne Case and Angus Deaton have been named to Prospect Magazine's 2019 list of "World's Top 50 Thinkers". Case and Deaton jointly received this award for their work in U.S. mortality data.
Angus Deaton | Professor Sir Angus Deaton
Case, Anne, and Angus Deaton. (2022) 2022. “The Great Divide: Education, Despair, and Death”. Annual Reviews of Economics.