Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station - Wikipedia
The Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station is a United States scientific research station at the South Pole of the Earth. It is the southernmost point under the jurisdiction (not sovereignty) of the United States. The station is located on the high plateau of Antarctica at 9,301 feet (2,835 m) above sea level.
NSF Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
NSF Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station is the southernmost year-round research station in the world, serving as a critical center for cutting-edge scientific research and a logistical hub for access to East Antarctica. Positioned at 90°S, the geographic South Pole.
The USAP Portal: Science and Support in Antarctica - South Pole …
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station sits at the Earth's axis on a shifting continental ice sheet several miles thick. The South Pole is a unique research site that supports projects ranging from cosmic observations to seismic and atmospheric studies.
Research stations in Antarctica - Wikipedia
The United States maintains the southernmost base, Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station, and the largest base and research station in Antarctica, McMurdo Station. The second-southernmost base is the Chinese Kunlun Station at 80°25′2″S during the summer season, and the Russian Vostok Station at 78°27′50″S during the winter season.
Antarctic Stations - Scientific Research Bases and Facilities
South Pole Station and - Geographic South Pole Signy Base Table key: Yellow Background - year round station | White background - summer only station or air facility
Research Stations In Antarctica: Top 8 Antarctic Bases
Oct 5, 2023 · The Amundsen Scott South Pole Station is the research base at Antarctica’s best-known landmark: the Geographic South Pole itself. Opened in February 1957, this year-round station was majorly upgraded in 2008 to form a fully connected facility raised up above the drifting snow that continually threatened to bury the former station dome.
South Pole Station - Buildings at the South Pole - Cool Antarctica
A base at the South Pole was established by the US Navy for the International geophysics Year (IGY) in the austral summer of 1956/57, the first winter-over at the pole was in the winter of 1957. The base had a capacity of 20 people and even though it was never intended to be a permanent structure, it was used for nearly 20 years.
Does the US have a base in the South Pole? - Geographic FAQ …
May 8, 2024 · Does the US have a base in the South Pole? The United States does have a research station located at the South Pole named Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. It is one of the three year-round research stations operated by the National Science Foundation in Antarctica.
South Pole - Wikipedia
The South Pole, also known as the Geographic South Pole or Terrestrial South Pole, is the point in the Southern Hemisphere where the Earth's axis of rotation meets its surface. It is called the True South Pole to distinguish from the Magnetic South Pole.
South Pole Blog: What is the inside of the station like? - Amy Lowitz
I'm long overdue for a blog post, and so in honor of our upcoming midwinter celebration, I thought I'd give a small window into our daily life here at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station by doing a little photo tour of the inside of the station.