Matthew Mitcham - Wikipedia
Matthew John Mitcham OAM (born 2 March 1988) is an Australian retired diver and trampolinist. As a diver, he was the 2008 Olympic champion in the 10m platform, and he is the 2nd highest single-dive score in Olympic history (at the time it was the highest scoring dive ever). This made him the first openly gay man to win an Olympic gold medal.
马修·米查姆 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
马修·米查姆 (英語: Matthew Mitcham,1988年3月2日 —),生于 布里斯班,澳大利亚男子跳水运动员。 马修·米查姆自小學習 蹦床,曾參加1999年及2001年世界少年蹦床錦標賽,一度是世界少年蹦床冠軍。 在1999年11歲時被澳大利亞體育學院室(Australian Institute of Sport)跳水教練王同祥(Wang Tong Xiang)發掘學習跳水,雙線發展,於2001年獲得澳洲全國跳水分齡賽3米彈板及10米跳台的冠軍,更獲選年度最佳跳水運動員(Diver of the Year)。
马修·米查姆 - 百度百科
马修·米查姆在 2008年北京奥运会 男子 10米跳台 决赛中,最后一跳以112.10的全场最高分逆转中国跳水选手 周吕鑫,夺得金牌;米查姆被称为令中国跳水“八金”梦断的人。 是自1924年迪克·依夫(Dick Eve)以来第一位获得奥运会跳水金牌的澳大利亚男选手。 [4] 2010年6月6日,马修·米查姆获得常州跳水世界杯赛男子10米跳台冠军 [7]。 2016年1月28日,马修·米查姆宣布正式退役 [1]。 19岁的澳大利亚运动员马修·米查姆将参加北京奥运会男子三米跳板和十米跳台的比赛。 被称 …
Matthew Mitcham OAM (@matthewmitcham88) - Instagram
‘It will never be erased. But it doesn’t mean it will always be remembered’ - Matthew Mitcham on his historic Olympic gold win. Matthew is the first openly gay man to win gold in Beijing 2008, cementing his status as an LGBT+ legend in sporting history.
Matthew Mitcham - International Swimming Hall of Fame (ISHOF)
Matthew did not know it at the time, but it was the highest score ever for a 10meter platform dive in the history of the Olympic Games, 112.10 points. It was also the first time an Australian diver had won a gold medal since Dick Eve had done it in 1924 in Paris.
【Rainbows】第14期 Matthew Mitcham马修米查姆 - 哔哩哔哩
马修·米查姆(1988.03.02),澳大利亚男子跳水运动员,在2008年北京奥运会男子10米跳台决赛中,最后一跳以112.10的全场最高分逆转中国跳水选手周吕鑫,夺得金牌。 马修·米查姆曾是蹦床运动员,在2003年放弃蹦床,专注于跳水,但他在2006年休整了很长一段时间,在观看到朋友在2007年世界锦标赛的表现后才继续训练。 米查姆在2008年的美国跳水大奖赛上获得10米跳台金牌。 米查姆被称为令中国跳水“八金”梦断的人。 可爱惹. 出柜经历:在2008年北京奥运会前通过 …
Matthew Mitcham’s Olympic gold one of the great gay athlete …
Aug 9, 2024 · Mitcham’s two-and-a-half somersault with two-and-a-half twists in the pike position earned him an eye-popping score of 112.10, literally the highest score ever awarded to a single dive at the...
Matthew Mitcham: ‘Platform king’ to ‘queen of the world’ - CNN
Jul 23, 2014 · Matthew Mitcham was the first openly gay man to win Olympic gold medal. Australian struggled with depression after his diving success at Beijing in 2008
Matthew Mitcham - Corporate Speaker
An experienced keynote speaker with an inspiring story of overcoming adversity to achieve the seemingly impossible, Matthew's story has been turned into a best-selling book and adapted into an award-winning cabaret show which toured Australia for five years.
Matthew Mitcham on OnlyFans and Overlooked Queer History
Mar 5, 2025 · You may know Matthew Mitcham as the fearless Aussie diver who made waves in 2008, when he earned a gold medal in the 10-meter platform event at the Beijing Olympics. But as Mitcham told host Jon Dean in a candid chat on the All Out podcast, his life since those aquatic triumphs has been full of deep dives into both personal and professional waters.