Temperament differences between Macaws & Amazons | Avian …
Feb 8, 2011 · Macaws are more likely to sit with you and watch a movie. Rolling over on their back and getting pit rubs. Most amazons past the age of about 2-3 years don't really like body hugs and rubs. Unless they are hormonal in which case the hens like it too much. A macaw is much more likely to be needy, screamy or do a lot of contact calling.
Macaws vs African Greys | Avian Avenue Parrot Forum
May 5, 2011 · Now, the greys are great birds, we have one that is 24 years old and I haven't figured him out yet. They are super smart, quiet, don't make near the mess a macaw does, doesn't tear up toys like a macaw, doesn't require a room size cage, etc. So there is good and bad about both. I all depends on what you want in a parrot.
Macaw or African Grey? | Avian Avenue Parrot Forum
Jan 24, 2022 · Macaw are big, big cage, big appetite, big beaks. The minimum macaw cage should be 36 x 48. Bigger is better. Walk in aviary best. Macaw toys can be upwards of $50 a piece, if you have a macaw that likes to chew (Most do) that can get pricey. Perches for macaws are also big and expensive. Mine has gnawed right through several $50 dollar perches.
Golden Conure vs Illigers Macaw | Avian Avenue Parrot Forum
Nov 3, 2011 · Laci, my current Painted Conure, is loud, flighty, and velcro-- she bites a LOT, but like a kitten does in playing; she'll flip onto her back and nip and kick at you while she rolls around. It's very cute, despite the bites. She just likes to rough-house. So, take the 'basic descriptions' of birds with a grain of salt: each parrot is an individual.
Yellow collared macaw VS Severe macaw | Avian Avenue Parrot …
Nov 4, 2009 · I was also leaning more towards yellow collar macaw, rather than the severe. Just because of the reputations, although I have not heard much about a YCM personality. I thought about another hahns, but I would like to get a bird a bit bigger, just not a giant macaw.. severe macaws are not too big for me though.
Hahns macaw vs sun conure? | Avian Avenue Parrot Forum
Jan 20, 2017 · Im a little late with this but I have 1 Hahns Macaw, 1 Jenday conure & 2 Caiques. My hahns macaw is like butter in my hands but she can be nippy and can bully my Jenday Conure. Sometimes they are the best of friends and other times she gets nasty towards him. I would suggest adding a sun conure.
Greenwing vs. Blue & Gold | Avian Avenue Parrot Forum
Jul 7, 2012 · There is nothing inherently wrong with Greenwings, they just aren't all that "extra special" compared to the other natural varieties, and tend to be a bit more reserved (and "tune out") than B&G. Of course, a cranky or angry Greenwing (or Hyacinth) is memorable in my world of, "HoHum, another macaw". Any of the macaws can be gentle.
Hahn's Macaw VS Yellow Collared VS Conure | Avian Avenue …
Jun 2, 2010 · My Hahn's, Max, is my favorite bird, hands-down. For vocabulary and talkativeness, I'd put him up against any conure or any larger macaw. The Barron's books tend to refer to them as one of the best speakers of the Macaw family: "The smallest macaw, which enjoys a reputation as potentially the best talker in the group" (58).
Hahns vs. Illigers - Avian Avenue Parrot Forum
Jul 22, 2011 · Mia and Brady have a LOT of similarities, they are both tiny macaws- so a lot of the core macaw characteristics are there. The screaming/vocalization is one of them. Mia is more talkative and comical. Brady is LOUDER (probably twice as loud) and definitely screams more whereas Mia TALKS loudly and screams some.
A poicephalus, a pionus, or a hahn's macaw - Avian Avenue Parrot …
Sep 19, 2012 · Considering getting a parrot, but doing lots of research before doing so. Of course, I first started out thinking about the bigger birds....cockatoos. After doing some reading, I have decided they are more than I can handle and are too demanding. I don't intend to run out and get anything right now. I want a sweet, energetic, and lovable bird.