Why Choose a Hydraulic Motor over an Electric Motor? - Physics …
Oct 24, 2008 · A hydraulic motor about the size of your fist can easily put out around 7kw of power. You can commonly find hydraulic motors on cooling fans of equipment that already have hydraulic systems. For example a front end loader or excavator.
Calculating hydraulic motor sizes - Physics Forums
Oct 19, 2011 · Determining Hydraulic Motor Size: I recently posted some calculation in determining how to size a hydraulic motor and I had some confusion in my mind over the torque reduction . I think I have this figured out at this point and would like to post it for anyone else that may want to figure out how to calculate what size hydraulic motor you need.
Hydraulic motor driven by steam/compressed air - Physics Forums
Nov 14, 2011 · Hydraulic oil can't expand like air, so they will necessarily be built differently. Another problem is that hydraulic oil is intended to lubricate, so air will be problematic in a hydraulic motor. The motor will likely have insufficient lubricaiton. Sealing is also an issue. Seals in a hydraulic motor don't have to be as tight as an air motor.
What Torque is Needed for a Hydraulic Motor to Lift a 10 lb Box …
Jul 30, 2024 · Hydraulic motor driven. Bucket attached to chain anchors on each end of the chain. 6” diameter sprocket on top and bottom, the bottom sprocket will be driven by a hydraulic motor. How much torque does the hydraulic motor need? Weight of chain let’s say is 25 lbs for this example. Disregard friction.
Hydraulic Pump/Motor: Can it Work as a Motor? - Physics Forums
Apr 14, 2015 · A hydraulic motor may be designed for bi-directional operation. It can be operated with positive pressure on both ports. Bidirectional motors will have a third connection to drain fluid to the reservoir tank that leaks past the internal seals. …
Selecting hydraulic motors and a pump for hydrostatic transmission
Nov 19, 2020 · I'm surprised you would use power hydraulics in a GoKart. The system efficiency, is the hydraulic efficiency of the motor multiplied by the efficiency of the pump. That is not a happy result. Anyhow, the required pump will be determined by the hydraulic circuit. That will in turn be decided by the tyres, surface, and wheel slip expected.
Hydraulic Motor & Constant Torque - Physics Forums
Apr 19, 2016 · Background: My goal is to drive a hydraulic motor at constant pressure & constant RPM so that I can achieve constant output torque. 1. Hydraulic pump is a positive displacement pump. (the RPM is variable) 2. I would like the hydraulic motor to produce constant output torque. Is it correct to assume constant pressure & fixed RPM = constant ...
Hydraulic Dune Buggy Design: Is My Math Correct? - Physics Forums
Jan 11, 2010 · The question more is do you use a high rpm motor with a gear box, or a motor that already has gear reduction that already has the appropriate rpm out put to be couple directly. Either way, I was thinking of mounting a motor to the frame and using a cv shaft. This eliminated side load, etc... As far as the steering, no I am not after zero turn.
Hydraulic winch torque questions - Physics Forums
Feb 21, 2019 · I am designing a winch to put behind my tractor, and I am going to power it using a hydraulic motor. My tractor puts out about 1000 PSI of hydraulic pressure, and the hydraulic motor I want to use is 9.8 cubic inches per revolution. I calculated that at those specs, the hydraulic motor will produce 125 foot pounds of torque.
Hydraulic power for a 1000 pound car for city driving - Physics …
Aug 29, 2014 · That's the gear ratio you'd need, 1 turn of hydraulic motor gives 1.65 turns of wheel. In the late 1970's a guy in Burnsville Minnesota built such a car as you describe. He used a single rear wheel for simplicity. That also let owners in many states register it as a motor-driven cycle which was cheaper.