Best Dwarf/Pygmy Angelfish? | Reef2Reef
Oct 29, 2020 · You will get as many different answers to question 1 as there are dwarf angelfish- each person will have their favorite. The best way to avoid coral predation is either only stock with 'nasty' tasting corals- Duncans, Euphllias, tough softies, etc. Or avoid dwarf angels.
Which Dwarf Angelfish should i go for? | Reef2Reef
Jan 6, 2022 · Pointed dorsal and Anal fins mean is a male whereas rounded fins mean it’s a female. Also the lines, males will have more than 4 (Usually 5-6) but females have 4 or less (3-4). All flames (Actually, I think all Dwarf angels do this) are born female and the most dominant one will become male.
Livestock - mixing dwarf angelfish and large angelfish | Reef2Reef
Jul 24, 2020 · Our customers report that mixing captive bred angelfish is even easier than mixing wild caught angelfish because they're used to sharing their space with their siblings. Dwarf Angelfish species examples: Colin's, Purple Mask, Multibar, Coral Beauty, Lemonpeel, and other Centropyge spp.
Best Dwarf/Pygmy Angelfish? | Page 2 | Reef2Reef
Oct 29, 2020 · Have a pygmy in my 40 gallon reef with gonis, blastos, zoas and duncans. Once in a while, it may nip a coral but moves on. Sometimes it chases the blennies and gobies but no damage. Years ago, had a trio of pygmies in a 50 gallon reef.
Dwarf Angelfish together | Reef2Reef
Apr 1, 2024 · Hey guys, Just curious on experience or how you feel about 2 angelfish together in a 75 gallon. Like a flameback and bi color or flameback and coral beauty or regular flame angel, I was originally planning on a small bristle tooth tang or tomini however tangs have a bad rep for illness and they...
Dwarf Angelfish in 40 gallon | Reef2Reef
Feb 22, 2019 · Dwarf Angels range from 4-6 inches (ie Coral Beauty, Flame, Bicolor Potters) and really need a 4 foot long tank for best results, so for the Nuvo they would not work. Pygmy Angels all max out around 3 inches and should be okay in that tank provided it's around 3 feet long.
Dwarf Angelfish and Tangs? | Reef2Reef
Jan 4, 2024 · I've had a dwarf angelfish and tangs together before, but this never happened. I turned on the blue light and that has seemed lessen the aggression, but the PBT is still picking on the angelfish. I just looked closer at the angelfish and it looks like he has some slight tears in his fins and is staying in one of the top corners of the tank.
Fish Advice - Tangs & Dwarf Angelfish | Reef2Reef
Apr 19, 2012 · Same thing with Dwarf Angelfish. I see lots of tanks that have many tangs or dwarf angels. i was thinking of getting a Kole Tang or a Tomini Tang, but would love both only if there will not be an issue. i choose those 2 tangs because i have a 75g and dont want to crowd. i had a yellow before and he certainly acted like it was "his tank". so ...
Best & Worst "Reef Safe" Angelfish for Your Reef
Sep 24, 2021 · My regal angelfish is a model citizen and leaves all my coral alone. I have a wantanabe in QT right now so too soon to tell but she does not graze at all (open water feeder). She should be ok. My experience with dwarf angels (centropyge and paracentropyges) is mixed. Soft coral and most sps are fine. LPS are another story.
Which Dwarf Angelfish? Flame or Coral Beauty? | Reef2Reef
May 3, 2018 · I have a 40 gal tank I am cycling right now, and I'm looking into getting a Dwarf Angelfish. Their colors are gorgeous and amazing; I have to have one in my tank!! Though I am taking my chances of having them cramped and pecking at corals, what one would be better compatible and fish friendly? W 17 " L 36" and 30 LB of pukani rock