香港2024年9月30日 /美通社/ -- 第9批銀色債券 (銀債)今日(30日)起接受認購,保證息率達4厘,華盛証券提供全方位認購渠道,並同時推出多項費用豁免優惠,包括認購手續費、託管服務費、代收利息費、到期贖回手續費、債券轉入及轉出費。
The portfolio includes five projects — one early-stage and one late-stage — both sold in Q3 2024, along with three mid-stage projects to be monetized in milestones and sold to Trina. Additionally, ...
Bairong Inc. (Stock Code: 6608) recently announced the expansion of its share repurchase plan. According to the announcement on March 25, 2024, the company planned to repurchase B-class ordinary ...
As Typhoon Krathon is forecasted to make landfall in southern Taiwan on Tuesday (Oct. 1), 521 people were evacuated from mountainous areas in Kaohsiung on Monday (Sept. 30). Kaohsiung Mayor Chen ...
The new Dusit Thani Bangkok echoes the spirit of the original hotel, which opened in 1970, and reinterprets its classic qualities through a modern lens.
OCI Global ("OCI") announces successful completion of the sale of 100% of its equity interests in its 1.1 million metric tonnes Clean Ammonia project under construction in Beaumont, Texas ("OCI Clean ...
現如今,新能源車超越燃油車,廣受消費者、尤其是年輕族群的喜愛,消費者對智能汽車的渴望強烈,繼安全、性價比、空間和性能之後,智能化成為他們購車考慮的重要因素。論壇中,汽車之家副總裁、研究院院長周游發佈了《中國智能車「智」在何方—— 2024中國智能電動汽車用戶洞察》的主題報告。
SINGAPORE - Newswire - 30 September 2024 - As Southeast Asia (SEA) experiences strong economic growth, Singapore is strategically positioned to support manufacturers in expanding their market ...
中國為穩經濟、救股市接連出招,上周繼官方宣示諸多救市政策後,國家主席習近平也表態「要努力提振資本市場」,結果讓中國及香港股市狂飆,甚至因為買入量太大,導致電腦交易出現延遲現象,且目前投資人進場交易情緒高漲,上周開戶數明顯激增,就連線上開戶在人工認證環 ...
MA micro automation will be under operation of JR Automation. The acquisition expands JR Automation's reach into global automation markets in medical, advanced battery and other fields.
Theme: "Converge! Blooming Our Business in Transition" HANGZHOU, CHINA - Newswire - 30 September 2024 - The 2024 Smart City Expo World Congress · Hangzhou Stage has concluded with great success, ...
The prevalence of adverse childhood experiences among women with histories of drug use should be considered when shaping drug ...