Camille Boulenguer is an economist, and Research Fellow at IRIS. Her work is situated at the confluence between industrial economy and taxation, and questions the interweaving between legal economy ...
Pierre Jaillet is an economist and Associate Research Fellow at IRIS. He held various high level positions in the Banque de France, as special advisor to the governor, Chief representative for the ...
The French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS), an association recognized as being of public utility, is one of the leading French think tanks specializing in geopolitical and ...
Federico Santopinto is Senior Research Fellow at the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS) in Paris. He is specialized on European integration in defence and foreign policy, ...
Frédéric Jeannin is a Research Fellow for the IRIS’s Climate, Energy and Security program and the Observatory for the Security of Energy Flows and Materials. His work focuses mainly on the ...
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Sébastien Abis has been an associate researcher at IRIS since 2012, developing expertise in global food security, the influence of France and the EU, the Mediterranean region, and maritime dynamics.
The Defence and High Technology Industry programme aims to inform French and European public and private stakeholders about policies conducted in the field of armaments and defence technologies and to ...
Guillaume Pitron is an Associate Research Fellow at IRIS, specialising in critical raw materials. A journalist, filmmaker and author, he has published two essays translated into a dozen languages: La ...
Gaëtan Gorce is an Associat Research Fellow at IRIS where he is co-heading the International Crimes Observatory and an Honorary Member of the Parliament. Former adviser to President François ...
Fatou Elise Ba is a research fellow at IRIS, in charge of the Humanitarian and Development Programme. She specializes in human rights, humanitarian and advocacy and policy. She works on advocacy for ...
IRIS, the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs, is one of the leading French think tanks specialising in geopolitical and strategic issues. It is the only one to combine a research ...