For plaque or guttate psoriasis, home-based narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy is as effective as office-based pho ...
Women's menstrual cycles are affected after an earthquake, with an increased risk for irregularities seen in associat ...
In a clinical practice guideline issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics and published online Sept. 30 in Pediat ...
The overall incidence rates for all cancer sites and specific cancer sites returned to prepandemic levels in 2021, ac ...
The rates of sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) increased during the intra ...
For patients with suspicion for prostate cancer, transperineal biopsy has similar cancer detection rates as transrect ...
Measles cases in England are consistent with the waning of vaccine-induced immunity, according to a study published o ...
A higher body roundness index (BRI) trajectory is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD), ...
A shorter course of post-mastectomy radiation doesn't jeopardize a patient's chances of successful breast reconstruct ...
More than 14 million seniors a year take a tumble, and those falls can be life-changing. "The relationship betwe ...
Toxic lead continues to pose a danger to U.S. consumers despite years of progress to reduce exposure, claims a study ...
There's a strong link between self-esteem and good times between the sheets, a new study suggests.Folks ranking high ...