「九州森林(もり)の日 植樹祭」に参加しました。 その先のこたえを、ともに。 企業CM「こたえをともに。篇」 ともに考え、ともに歩み、ともに新たな未来を創っていきたい。 そんな、私 ...
子供の頃から、私は好奇心が旺盛で、何でも「なぜ?」と聞いてばかりいました。そのため、両親から「しつこい」と呆れられていました。「なぜ空は青いのか?」「なぜキリンの首は長い ...
PalmSecure provides a high level of accuracy, is easy to implement and uses - a non-intrusive and contactless reader. This ensures virtually no physiological user restrictions while proving to be ...
Ofwat’s Innovation Consultation gave high praise to water companies which, they said, “have been developing ideas that have the potential to bring incremental improvements to water company operations ...
JSS senses gymnasts' movements through the following four steps. Movements such as joint angles are captured and analyzed as numerical data, and displayed in the same manner that judges need to see, ...
最近、「オブザーバビリティ(observability)」という言葉を耳にすることが増えました。監視やモニタリングのソリューションを従来から提供する企業(SplunkやNewRelicなど)がオブザーバビリ ...
Download files include installation/update procedure. The version of Endurance Software was V6.1.1 when customers purchased TX200FT S2. The latest version of PRIMERGY FT-model hotfix for Endurance ...
We draw upon our collective expertise and resources to provide world-class technology and platform products, while also taking advantage of a strong multinational presence to deliver locally optimized ...
Fujitsu Kozuchi is a set of secure, reliable, cloud-based AI services that enhance the productivity and creativity of your business operations. Generative AI serves as an interface between computer ...
クラウドネイティブの実現には、企業の継続的な取り組みが不可欠です。 Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) は、クラウドネイティブの実現のために企業が何を実施すれば良いかの概要を Cloud ...