There is a considerable gap between what the European Union's climate and environmental targets want and what national plans ...
The Ministry of Education is trying to adapt, on the fly, to the reality on the ground. The didactic activity with physical ...
The trade dispute between the European Union and China regarding electric vehicles (EVs) has reached a critical point: the ...
The Plenary of the Parliament would appoint today the new management team of the National Bank of Romania, according to the ...
The rains covered the entire globe. From the US to Nepal and from Mexico to Romania, water creates problems, big or small.
Vaccination should not be an optional choice, but a collective responsibility, said yesterday, Valeria Herdea, president of ...
Mirjana Spoljaric, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), drew attention to the dangers caused by ...
The International Football Federation (FIFA) is constantly involved in controversies related to its leaders. Vassilios ...
Armata israeliană a anunţat marţi că rachete au fost lansate din Iran spre Israel, precizând că sirenele sună pe întreg ...
Procedura de selecţie a noului Directorat Transelectrica, încheiată luni, trebuie să fie reluată, deoarece a fost viciată, ...
Ca parte a strategiei de creştere pe segmentul de gaz natural lichefiat (GNL), compania elveţiană MET Group a încheiat un ...
Sentimentele angajaţilor din întreaga lume despre AI şi GenAI diferă semnificativ, dar optimismul prudent persistă, 42% ...