It has been a week. It’s not going to fix anything, but maybe watching George Clooney chilling at the end of a movie will ...
You’ve heard about the Earth’s new mini-moon, yes? “It will be temporarily trapped by our planet’s gravity and orbit the globe - but only for about two months.” Earth will have a temporary “mini moon” ...
Music By John Williams is a documentary film about the legendary composer who did the scores for Star Wars, Jaws, Indiana ...
I got a lot out of this interview with The Message author Ta-Nehisi Coates by Jon Stewart for The Daily Show. Best-selling ...
Ross Anderson and I share a favorite web page, Wikipedia’s Timeline of the Far Future, which he wrote about for the Atlant ...
The NY Times has been doing these challenges every Friday where you sit and look at one piece of art for 10 minutes. Last ...
I was surprised to learn, via Youngna Park’s excellent newsletter, that Sally Rooney wrote a short story in 2016 that featur ...
A site called Chromeography collects chrome logos and typography from vintage cars & electric appliances. As I was looki ...
While listening to an episode of Scene on Radio’s excellent series on Capitalism, I learned about an economic measure called ...
Scene on Radio hosts John Biewen and Ellen McGirt described labor share of national income like so: Ellen McGirt: The labor ...
It’s been awhile since I’d checked in on one of my favorite YouTube channels, Great Art Explained. In the past year, c ...
For more on sorting, check out Sorting Algorithms Visualized, sorting techniques visualized through Eastern European folk ...