In a heartwarming show of solidarity, the Himachal Pradesh High Court Bar Association extended financial assistance to the fire-affected families in Tandi village, located in the Jibhi valley of ...
In November, the RBI sold $20 billion from its forex reserves to stabilize the rupee. Nomura observes that the central bank ...
India's forex reserves have fallen for six consecutive weeks, hitting a 10-month low of $625.87 billion due to the RBI's ...
India's foreign exchange reserves have declined for the sixth consecutive week, reaching a 10-month low of $625.87 billion as ...
The Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) of the rupee moderated in December to 107.20 after hitting a peak of 108.14 in ...
In his last assignment as DG, Patra handled a bunch of responsibilities of RBI that directly shaped everyone of the above ...
A journalist from Khairpur in Pakistan’s Sindh, has been accused of faking his own kidnapping to create a false case against ...
Rupee is expected to appreciate a bit and stabilise around 85-86 a dollar in the coming weeks with RBI's continued focus on ...
Rupee is expected to appreciate a bit and stabilise around 85-86 a dollar in the coming weeks with RBI's continued focus on ...
The Union Budget for 2025-26, set to be presented by Sitharaman on February 1, arrives amidst global economic uncertainties ...
The market outlook for next week will be guided by the Donald Trump factor, Q3 FY25 results, foreign institution investors ...