Puffins are enchanting little seabirds. Here are 9 fascinating facts about puffins and their marvellous, yet sometimes ...
Collision area has massive populations of seabirds, such as puffins and gannets, while porpoises and seals breed nearby ...
Mountain gorillas are the global superstars among the world’s great apes. They rose to fame following their memorable encounter with David Attenborough, vice-president of Fauna & Flora since 1979, ...
If you want to avoid awkward silences at your next work function or you're looking for ways to elevate an upcoming dinner party, it's always handy to have a few fun facts and trivia tidbits up ...
A significant proportion of the world’s population of northern gannets breeds there, as do kittiwakes, guillemots, razorbills and – the star attraction – Atlantic puffins. Whales and ...
Here are five facts about how Americans view their government, drawn from Pew Research Center surveys conducted in recent years. How we did this This Pew Research Center analysis examines Americans’ ...
A small, rocky island off Iceland is home to the world’s largest breeding colony of Atlantic puffins. When breeding season is in full swing, around 1.5 million adults pair up and nestle into ...
These 28 islands are home to an array of wildlife, including puffins and seals, and even offer opportunities for scuba diving. The largest and most well-known of these is Inner Farne, once the ...
A gorgeous island in the Bristol Channel is the ideal place to spot wildlife like dolphins and puffins. Lundy Island is an unspoilt beauty spot just off the Devon coast, with Caribbean-like ...
These different types of puffins are celebrated. Male and female directing team. Female writer. Packed with facts about the creatures who live at Puffin Rock. These are delivered cheerfully by the ...