James Hughes III again asked to be set free on Monday. Hughes was denied parole. The family of his victim, Howard "Zeke" Harris, again reminded the board about the brutal crime that took his life.
Investigators continue to search for information concerning the where-a-bouts of James. Anyone with information is asked to ...
The Hugh’s County Sheriff’s Office is searching for a 39-year-old Blunt man who has not been seen since March 5, 2025.According to reporting from Dakota Radio Group News, deputies are still searching ...
Hughes received his Ph.D. in economics from The University of Michigan in 1987. Prior to coming to Bates, Hughes was on the faculty at Amherst College and The State University of New York at Albany.
HUGHES, JAMES R. James R. Hughes, 87, died at his home south of Franktown on August 2nd. He was born October 28, 1914 in Pittsburgh, PA. A resident of Douglas County since 1954, he and his wife ...
The Hughes County Sheriff’s Office says over 70 volunteers showed up Saturday to help search for James, with no success.
What does this Advisor Specialize in? Find a financial advisor who specializes in the area of expertise you require. It's important to find an advisor who can help you approach your personal and ...