Adamantium has been an important part of X-Men stories for many years, but the introduction of the metal to the MCU suggests ...
Once adamantium is introduced to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are several characters that can receive long-awaited upgrades from the comics and others set up by the appearance of the element.
The introduction of adamantium in Brave New World arrives at precisely this moment of diplomatic vulnerability for Wakanda. For the United States military, adamantium offers a genuine path to ...
The potential uses for Adamantium extend well beyond creating new weaponry, making it a highly sought-after commodity that leads to conflict that very nearly results in WWIII. Of course ...
Hot Toys has unveiled their latest Deadpool figure as we return to the events of the MCU film with a new deadly Battling ...
Possible spoilers follow. Apparently, Japan will be the first country to extract Adamantium from Tiamut, before realizing that it has power to absorb radiation, thus making it an effective weapon ...
X-Force #9, by Geoffrey Thorne and Marcus To, is the next installment of “X-Manhunt”. “X-Manhunt” revolves around Charles Xavier escaping from Graymalkin Prison on a mission to save his daughter. This ...
To enable the cheat menu, start a new game, kill a few enemies then lose all your lives. When at the high score screen, enter "HELLO MURRAY " as your name. When the game restarts, you will have a ...
The upcoming first appearance of Weapon Exile in Weapon X-Men #3 from Joe Casey and Chris Cross (Spoilers) Discover Weapon Exile's debut in Weapon X-Men #3, crafted by Joe Casey and Chris Cross. Meet ...