Beyond cooling, green walls also enhance urban biodiversity. The researchers found that plant-covered facades hosted over 100 ...
A “Wizard of Oz” mural loomed over a D.C. park for 23 years. When other artists painted over it, one of the creators — a ...
Belastinginkomsten Zutphen stijgen dit jaar minder snel dan in vergelijkbare gemeenten Dat is 654 euro per inwoner, blijkt uit cijfers die het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek woensdag naar ...
Meer dan driekwart van de scholieren in Zutphen die in het schooljaar 2023/24 de doorstroomtoets maakte, behaalde niveau 2F. Daarmee scoort de gemeente beter dan het gemiddelde van vijftien ...
Xi’an’s ancient city wall, dating back to the 14th century, is another awe-inspiring attraction. The wall is one of the best-preserved in China and offers a striking example of ancient Chinese ...
Britain’s government confirmed Friday that the tower block in London, where 72 people died, would be demolished, provoking a ...
In the Italian city where James Joyce wrote 'Ulysses,' the bookstore that Jewish poet Umberto Saba opened in 1919 has come ...
The first thing you'll see as you approach Dubrovnik from the sky or the sea is the city walls. These ancient fortifications were built and rebuilt in the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries as the ...
The book, which became a double Oscar-winning film in 1972, captured the essence of the city from its high red-brick walls and patrician buildings to its river walks and abundant parks and gardens.
Founded in 1986, City in the Community is Manchester City’s charity. We support people across Greater Manchester by empowering healthier lives through football. Our youth-led programmes place physical ...
The Wall that once split the city into two parts – East and West Berlin – is no longer standing, but its legacy remains etched in the hearts of its people and visitors alike. If you’re ...
06-12 Vier verdachten aangehouden na gewapende overval in Zutphen 04-11 Politie doet onderzoek naar val in Zutphen 26-07 Veel meldingen nepagenten omgeving Zutphen 01-05 Aanhoudingen door oplettende ...