Twenty-three new Ngā Ahurei a Te Apārangi Fellows have been elected to the Academy of the Royal Society Te Apārangi. Fellowship recognises researchers, scholars, and innovators throughout Aotearoa New ...
The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) has confirmed it will not reduce health funding for veterans, following findings from ...
In 2022, the Government signed a historic agreement granting Māori a share of radio spectrum suitable for 5G mobile services ...
However, unlike English, te reo Maori is a transparent language – the written form is completely phonetic with a 100% ...
Since the start of this year, all New Zealand schools have been required to use structured literacy to teach reading and writing - including the ...
OPINION: Last month marked the beginning of the political year, beginning with Waitangi Day. This placed ACT's Treaty Principles Bill front and centre and understandably it was the topic of many ...
No government ever, anywhere, has delivered economic equality. As we will never have economic equality, the tribunal has created an endless grievance that can never be met. This is key – it creates an ...
Richard Prebble, a former Labour Minister and current leader of the ACT Party, has criticized the Waitangi Tribunal’s interpretation of Treaty rights following his resignation from the Tribunal.
The Benue Government says it is not aware of the alleged relocation of the state local government election petitions tribunals to Abuja. Mr Fidelis Mnyim, the Attorney General (A-G) and ...