Another fatty fish that is an excellent source of vitamin D is the swordfish. The USDA lists a 100-gram serving as containing ...
Dear M.P.: Pernicious anemia (PA) is an autoimmune disease where the body destroys the cells in the stomach that make ...
New research found that over half of people with type 2 diabetes in the Americas may be deficient in essential nutrients, ...
People living in Scotland 400 hundred years apart have been shown to suffer similar seasonal declines over winter in their ...
Despite its seemingly harmless name, vitamin B12 deficiency is notoriously harmless and sneaky. The nutrient is essential for ...
India is facing a silent epidemic of Vitamin D Deficiency - 1 in every 5 Indians being Vitamin D deficient. The deficiency is ...
Many people would like to delay or even stop the aging process. Previous clinical studies have shown that a reduced calorie intake can slow down the aging process in humans.
Vitamin D2 aids calcium absorption, strengthens bones, and supports immunity. Found in plants, it's used to treat vitamin D ...
Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to poor sleep quality and duration, affecting roughly 35% of Americans. Research ...
A GP and nutritionist have explained how to quickly diagnose a deficiency and what you can do about it at home ...
While sleep supplements can be beneficial, the lack of regulation means consumers are not assured of a safe and effective product.
A systematic review of 52,501 participants found that 45.3% of type 2 diabetes patients have micronutrient deficiencies, with vitamin D, magnesium and B12 most affected. Women and metformin users ...