Directed by Vinay Kumar Sirigineedi, the film is a sequel to the 2018 Telugu film Goodachari, marking the next chapter in Sesh’s self-written spy franchise. Calling Gabbi his “partner in crime ...
Produced by TG Vishwa Prasad and Abhishek Agarwal under People Media Factory, Abhishek Agarwal Arts and AK Entertainments, G2 will pick up where the 2018 film Goodachari left off. The film will be ...
Actor Wamiqa Gabbi has become the latest addition to the star cast of the upcoming Telugu action spy thriller "Goodachari 2" ...
With its intense action sequences and gripping storyline, KD: The Devil is expected to be a big hit. Goodachari 2, a sequel to the hit 2018 film Goodachari, is one of the most awaited Telugu films of ...
Predictions are tricky since we most often go by films that have already been announced, boasting well-known directors and star casts. Yet, as the year goes by, there are almost always welcome ...
Release Date: 2025Goodachari 2, a sequel to the hit 2018 film Goodachari, is one of the most awaited Telugu films of 2025. Directed by Vinay Kumar Sirigineedi and starring Adivi Sesh and Emraan ...
As the curtains rise in 2025, the Indian film industry gears up for an exciting lineup of movies that promise to captivate audiences across genres. From high-octane action thrillers and ...
Adivi Sesh has an interesting lineup with films like Goodachari 2 and Dacoit. The actor has been doing quite well and his films in the past are hits, proving his mettle at the box office.
Earlier this week, Warner Bros. officially pushed The Batman Part II from its October 2026 release date and delayed the sequel for another year. Now, DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn has weighed in on ...
Per Deadline's reporting, The Batman Part II is now slated for a 1 October, 2027 release, meaning there will have been a whole five-and-a-half-year wait between Parts I and II. Now, given the huge ...