The crime spree included stealing a government-owned 2018 Jeep Compass from the U.S. Forest Service in Manchester on Dec. 29, ...
A high school spokesperson said the campus was briefly put into a shelter-in-place while the student was being detained.
Union High School's production of "Footloose" will be performed from Feb. 6-8 at the Union High School Performing Arts Center ...
Union High School unveiled its new costumed mascot, Rocket the Redhawk, during a pep assembly Tuesday morning at the Union Multipurpose Activity Center.
On Friday, the Phoenix Union High School District's governing board unanimously adopted a resolution outlining plans for responding to requests by ICE for school access or student information and ...
The preliminary results of a speed study on a section of Independence Drive near Union High School revealed most drivers travel at nearly twice the posted speed limit. The city is considering ...