Using a high-pressure water jet to operate on an enlarged prostate can better preserve the ability to ejaculate, compared ...
A HIGH pressure water jet could replace lasers for prostate treatment in a bid to boost men’s sex lives, scientists say.
The researchers concluded that taking 162 mg of quercetin daily from red onion skin extract could help lower blood pressure, ...
Verschiedene Facetten der Rock- und Popmusik entdecken, das Ehrenamt kennenlernen und die Liebe in der Oper finden: Diese und ...
Die Aktion soll auf den Klimawandel aufmerksam machen: Bei der „Earth Hour 2025“ schalten weltweit Institutionen und Vereine ...
Only recently has the ribosome - one of the oldest molecular machines in evolutionary terms - been recognized as an active regulator of gene expression at the level of protein biosynthesis.
The ability to conduct heat is one of the most fundamental properties of matter, crucial for engineering applications. Scientists know well how conventional materials, such as metals and insulators, ...
Only recently has the ribosome—one of the oldest molecular machines in evolutionary terms—been recognized as an active ...
This interview explores the development of novel drugs and the importance of collaborative partnerships in tackling these ...
After the Feb. 23 election, there will be five groups in the new parliament. Lawmakers from the strengthened far-right, ...