A northwest suburban family is celebrating a "dog-gone miracle" after their beloved pet, missing for seven days, was found using a heat-sensing drone.
Tampa’s annual pirate festivities commence with the Jan. 18 Children’s Gasparilla and Jan. 25 Gasparilla Pirate Fest. Just ...
Hollister police are expanding their drone fleet to improve officer safety and efficiency in various operations.
Learn how competitive analysis drives innovation and market success in emerging aviation technologies like UAS and AAM.
The war in Ukraine has produced astonishing events that will be discussed at military academies for decades. One of the more ...
A drone played a key role in the rescue of a 17-year-old hiker in Nevada, police said. The teen became stranded on Jan. 4 on ...
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Walt Furball again in downtown Jasper. Well, I . . . I hardly know where to begin . . . the chaos . . . the gunshots . . . sirens . . . screams .
Ukraine MoD has placed an order with Rheinmetall for an additional 180,000 rounds of 35mm ammunition for the Gepard anti-aircraft gun.
The Commerce Department is considering banning Chinese drones in the United States due to national security issues. Such a ban would have far-reaching effects.
For the first time, Ukrainian first-person-view (FPV) drones using a naval drone as a springboard took out three Russian air ...
China called the United States "extremely irresponsible" for "groundlessly suspecting" there are information security risks in China's drone systems, its commerce ministry said on Tuesday.
Russia launched doxens of drones against cities and towns in southern and eastern Ukraine overnight killing three people and ...