Most trigonometry students look at triangles on a flat surface. However, people from ancient astronomers to modern navigators calculated the arc lengths and angles of triangles on a sphere. They used ...
Solve \(\sqrt 3 \cos x + \sin x = \sqrt 2\), for \(0 \le x \le 2\pi\). First of all we need to put \(\sqrt 3 \cos x + \sin x\) into the form \(k\cos (x - \alpha ...
Mathematicians had long thought that using trigonometry to prove the theorem was unworkable, given that the fundamental ...
There are some trigonometric identities which you must remember in order to simplify trigonometric expressions when required. When you are asked to prove something, ignore the right hand side of ...
Place the formula into the cell you want to see the ... Inside the dialog box in the section, Select a Category, select Math and Trigonometry from the list box. In the section Select a Function ...