“The Dragon Prince” series first made its appearance on Netflix in 2018. The show follows three young children — Callum (Jack De Sena), Ezran (Sasha Rojen) and Rayla (Paula Burrows) — on their ...
Dungeons and Dragons will soon release The Dragon Anthology, and there is one potential guidebook that would truly complete the updated 2025 ruleset.
Whereas previous Like A Dragon and Yakuza games have had relatively grounded combat, Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii has no such pretensions. Majima is now basically Dante from the Devil May Cry series, and ...
High level dragons will "bring the hurt", with loads of new abilities that make encountering the fantastical reptiles much more perilous.
In J. R. R. Tolkien's original plot outline for The Hobbit, it was Bilbo rather than Bard the Bowman who would have slain the ...
WotC recently took a deep dive into the dragons of the new Monster Manual. With buffs and new abilities, the time of the dragon is at hand.
Wizards of the Coast gives players a digital tour of the massive 2024 Monster Manual, which contains a cavalcade of new ...
The threat of Majin Buu has passed, and Goku and friends are all living in peace. Then there appears Beerus, the God of Destruction. The story finally moves beyond the universe, into a new phase!