"The Big Bang Theory" finished 2024 as the year's "most-binged title" in streaming, according to a new report from Nielsen.
M ax’s upcoming Big Bang Theory follow-up is building up fandom buzz as the sitcom continues coming together behind the ...
The Big Bang Theory has nearly 300 episodes, and fans struggle to choose a personal favorite, but Season 2, Episode 3, “The ...
The elevator in The Big Bang Theory is broken down throughout the series.
There's a very interesting reason behind The Big Bang Theory's broken elevator, and why the writers didn't bother to fix it ...
The Big Bang Theory fans on Reddit are still confused about the fate of one Leonard love interest in Season 2.
The Big Bang Theory aired its first episode on 24th September 2007.
We streamed 23 million years’ worth of stuff last year, Nielsen reported on Monday. Specifically, U.S. viewers spent over 12 ...
With incredibly intelligent characters who fit the same molds, CBS' Scorpion is eerily similar to The Big Bang Theory.