Ace Indian shuttler PV Sindhu tied the knot with Hyderabad-based businessman Venkata Datta Sai in Udaipur on Sunday. They ...
The message was communicated via media channels and banners placed throughout Vrindavan, particularly along the roads leading ...
PV Sindhu, Venkata Datta Sai married in a traditional Telugu ceremony on December 22. The couple hosted a grand wedding reception in Hyderabad.
Vrindavan's Thakur Bankebihari Temple has appealed to the visitors to "dress modestly" and refrain from wearing "indecent ...
Indian badminton star PV Sindhu recently married businessman Venkata Datta Sai in Udaipur, with a grand reception in ...
Indian badminton ace PV Sindhu married Hyderabad-based businessman Venkata Datta Sai in an intimate ceremony in Udaipur on Sunday, followed by a grand reception in Hyderabad.
Badminton champion PV Sindhu and Hyderabad-based businessman Venkata Datta Sai celebrated their recent wedding with a grand ...
Vrindavan's Thakur Banke Bihari Temple has appealed to ... arrive dressed in casual tourist attire like jeans and t-shirts. This is not following the temple's respect for tradition," he said.