Simulations of a potential impact by a hill-sized space rock event next century have revealed the rough ride humanity would be in for, hinting at what it'd take for us to survive such a catastrophe.
Eelgrass, a type of flowering seagrass found in temperate zones around the world, provides habitat for many species, protects ...
Long-term flood in a small forest lake increases nutrient leaching from the surrounding terrestrial ecosystem. This increases biological production in the food web of the lake, which is seen in, e.g., ...
Cornell University marine ecologists and computer scientists have shown that grazing by sea snails and other marine herbivores has a big impact on the scale of seagrass wasting disease — contributing ...
According to a new publication in the Journal of Paleontology, a juvenile pterosaur vertebrae fossil, commonly known as a ...
The recent California fire that spewed toxic heavy metals all around a battery storage facility that went up in flames have some leaders wondering whether it's worth the risk.
She sold cakes at 18 despite family disapprovals. 10 yrs in, she owns a Shah Alam cake shop. The 29 most beautiful staircases in Malaysia, and around the world ...
Biodiversity is declining across the planet, but what about in Wisconsin, how do we measure it, and how can we stop it?
KUNMING - A new study has highlighted the ecological effects of tiny plastic particles on food webs in terrestrial ecosystems, shedding light on how plastic waste compounds the ongoing ...
In a recent study, scientists at the IBS Center for Climate Physics (ICCP) at Pusan National University in South Korea ...
Here are some very important things to consider before (choosing) and planting a new tree, especially large trees such as ...