Leonardo's got a new look in the latest issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and The Matrix-inspired design is begging for ...
When your ruling planet, the radiant Sun glides into a harmonious trine to proactive Mars on Saturday, devote your energy to a private pursuit off the grid. Carve out quiet time for fearless ...
What emotions, what truths, have you been too preoccupied to feel? Now is not the time for rushing or ignoring the whispers within. Rest isn't a detour; it’s vital preparation for the next phase ...
Maybe it’s an actual destination, Leo. A literal journey may be in your near future, so research locales that are singing to your soul. Is it time to book that spiritual retreat in the jungle or ...
Can you tell the difference between a person who truly knows a subject and one who is making things up? This sensibility can be applied toward vetting suitable news sources online. Don't ...
This is a transformative week for Leo natives as the wise Mercury and charming Venus are in your ninth house. These planets will inspire you to explore new ideas and expand your knowledge. You may ...
Today you will be pretty sure of what is going on between you and your love interest. Earlier your vision had been blurred due to the circumstances which have been quite distressing for the progress ...
Keeping the faith? You’re more deeply aligned with your spiritual compass while the moon floats through Cancer. Belief is your guiding light now. Hold tight to what you hold true! Just don’t ...