Overcoming the resolution limit in a light microscope of around half a wavelength of light (about 250 nanometers) is one of ...
As the super-resolution microscopy industry evolves, experimental needs and demands change alongside it. More and more, demand for super-resolution microscopy on live samples has grown and caught the ...
Example of super-resolution microscopy: The image shows how the Discrete Molecular Imaging (DMI) technology visualizes densely packed individual targets that are just 5 nanometer apart from each other ...
Our approach to super-resolution microscopy is fundamentally different from most existing techniques such as stimulated emission depletion microscopy, structured illumination microscopy, or ...
As a result, the spatial resolution (i.e. ability to distinguish 2 points) is limited to ~250 nm in the x-y plane and ~600 nm in the z-direction. Compared to conventional microscopy, the OMX ...
Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy, including STED ...
The authors review MINFLUX super-resolution microscopy, outlining its advantages and limitations, recent progress, and an outlook for future developments. Sub-diffraction resolution is a long ...
Vutara’s Quantitative Localization Microscopy suite allows you to turn localizations and voxels into meaningful results by guiding users through the setup, calibration, imaging, processing, and ...
This new method, presented in the renowned journal Nature Communications, opens up new possibilities for studying previously unobservable processes using super-resolution microscopy. The ability ...
Structured illumination super resolution microscope for 3D-SIM, 2D-SIM, and 2D-SIM-TIRF offering twice the resolution of conventional imaging with standard fluorophores.
presented in the journal Nature Communications ("Reactivatable stimulated emission depletion microscopy using fluorescence-recoverable nanographene"), opens up new possibilities for studying ...