Congress Hall, a Victorian-style hotel resort in Cape May, is being sued by ASCAP over unpaid artist's royalties.
Few Chicago winter nights warm quicker than the January and February Thursdays through Sundays in which Buddy Guy, 88, ...
Iconic raw performances from the likes of Nirvana, Mariah Carey and Eric Clapton are streaming decades after they first aired.
All the mojo of a vintage tape echo, none of the servicing – and the EC-1 is typically feature-packed, with Strymon giving us ...
There's a little bit of Cesar Diaz's magic in Strymon's new EC-1 Single Head dTape Echo. The late guitar tech was behind the ...
Are you looking for the most legendary and famous blues musicians? Read on to find legendary musicians who transformed the ...
Dipping into the Far Out vault to look back at the moment Eric Clapton first heard the legendary blues musician Stevie Ray ...
GRAMMY Award-winning rock band Switchfoot has joined forces with blues legend Buddy Guy for a collaboration unlike anything ...
The famed singer-guitarist talks about his musical style, the failure he learned the most from and his memories of local blues legends Freddie King and ...
Credit: Ebet Roberts/Redferns An outspoken advocate of tube amps and vintage guitars, the late César Dîaz worked as an amp tech and gear adviser to Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eric Clapton and Keith ...
Mick Fleetwood is not giving up hope that Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham will mend their differences. At the Janie’s Fund Grammys viewing party, Fleetwood detailed his "fantasy" for Nicks ...