A 56-year-old man appears to have died from the smoke from a fire intentionally set in a portable toilet in a Richland park.
Applications are now open for eligible folks interested in making improvements to city parks, trails, open space or ...
The Richland Parks and Recreation Commission is offering up to $40,000 in matching grants this year for park improvements.
The Richland County Foundation Board of Trustees ... Among the recipients, Wayfinders Ohio received a grant to renovate a building at 661 Park Avenue East. This renovation aims to create a larger ...
This gorgeous park is a birding paradise, an access point to miles of trail and a great place for families to gather. Plus, ...
For 23 years, a two-story mural in Northwest D.C. depicting the yellow-brick road, the Emerald City and the cast from “The Wizard of Oz” overlooked the basketball court in Stead Park.
Richland will begin reopening Columbia Park West and Wye Park on March 15. The two parks were closed to the public on Oct. 25 after extensive vandalism and illegal activity that city leaders ...
ural in Northwest D.C. depicting the yellow-brick road, the Emerald City and the cast from “The Wizard of Oz” overlooked the basketball court in Stead Park. The “humanity wall,” painted in ...
Customers of the Columbia Park Marina have been notified that the ... area is leased for parks and recreational use to the city of Richland under a 50-year agreement that expires in 2054.
The Richland County Sheriff's Department (RCSD ... Jamaal Black, 27, was last seen at his residence on Bywood Drive, in the Woodfield Park neighborhood off Percival Road, early Wednesday morning.
Christopher Taylor, a federal prosecutor and former state solicitor, won a race against a fellow federal prosecutor to be a circuit court judge in Richland and Kershaw counties. Lawmakers elected ...