The nonprofit behind a low-income senior housing development in Jamaica Plain is planning a similar development totaling 150 ...
The new $40 million, 153-unit senior apartment community at the One North project site in Bayside will be south of the North ...
City officials and Syracuse Housing Authority renegotiate land swap connected with Children's Rising Center, Eastwood Heights ...
The Chicago Housing Authority this week unveiled two senior-housing properties in Lincoln Park, where it invested a total of ...
Thieves smashed the windows of at least 10 cars at the Augustana Homes senior apartment complex in Bridgeport, where victims ...
A major housing project in Westchester has been completed, transforming a former YMCA into a $54 million affordable housing ...
The 71-unit apartment complex to be built on the site of the former Universalist Unitarian Church of Cleveland on Lancashire ...
A new affordable housing project is coming to Greenfield. Milwaukee County leaders used $2.5 million in federal funds to help build the 45-unit apartment community near 99th Street and Layton Avenue.
General contractor F.H. Paschen has broken ground on an 80-unit seniors housing community in the western Chicago suburb of ...
TEXARKANA, Texas - A broken elevator is causing problems at senior living apartment complex in Texarkana, Texas.
Locating PACE centers within housing developments for older adults is helping some programs enroll new members and lower ...