Unseen footage from Hyderabad's Sandhya Theatre - where a stampede December 4, as actor Allu Arjun's 'Pushpa 2: The Rise' was being screened, killed a young mother and critically injured her eight ...
The tree blossoms with flowers made of fragmented pieces of the city’s popular Flower City Mark logo. Swirls of flower petals and leaves stretch outward along the footpath. Boston-based design ...
Die Hard 2 actor Art Evans has died (Picture: Twentieth Century Fox) Die Hard 2 actor Art Evans has died at the age of 82. The A Soldier’s Story star died on Saturday after he ‘courageously ...
Art Evans, the actor known for his roles in Die Hard 2 and A Soldier’s Story, has died. He was 82. The actor’s rep tells Deadline he died on Saturday, Dec. 21 of diabetes, “a condition he ...
On display will be Richtech Robotics’ ADAM and Scorpion AI-powered service solutions, which utilize NVIDIA AI technology to interact with customers, provide personalized recommendations based on ...