On the wall of what had been his cell we saw inscribed Niemoller’s famous words. No doubt every one of us could write our own, most-apt-for-us version of them. May we get all together as we are ...
Octogenarian extraordinaire, Betty Darst, a native of Ohio, who has lived in Key West about 10 years, is a wonderful part of ...
Trump posted an article to his Truth Social account this weekend featuring a deeply troubling image: a pink triangle—the Nazi ...
Supplement to the change notice of 9/8/44 : Names list of 265 prisoners from concentration camp Sachsenhausen to Schwerte. List of inmates transferred from Sachsenhausen to Schwerte, with prisoner ...
Return transfer on November 22, 1944, from Sachsenhausen concentration camp, labor camp Fürstenberg/[ ] with document[s] The volume or file from which this list is taken appears to be ...
Josef Schütz, 101, was found guilty of complicity in the mass murder of 3,518 prisoners at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, north of Berlin, between 1942 and 1945. Charlotte Knobloch ...