Note: This has only been tested on Windows 10 64-bit but may work on other versions of Windows. Support for other operating systems is not planned. This has also only been tested on Firefox. Also, ...
Kekaisaran Romawi juga mengalami hal serupa dua milenium sebelumnya, tepatnya pada tahun 33 Masehi. Meskipun situasi ekonomi saat itu sangat pelik, pemerintah Romawi berhasil mengatasi krisis dengan ...
Misalnya seperti bahasa Latin, yang dibawa setelah penaklukan Romawi atas Inggris pada 55 SM. Kemudian, bahasa Inggris juga dipengaruhi oleh bahasa Celtic, Prancis, Jerman (Anglo-Saxon), Yunani, ...
Canon has introduced the PowerShot V1, a compact point-and-shoot camera aimed at video content creators. It features a new sensor, a wide-angle zoom lens, and unique shooting modes tailored for ...
BENTON, Ark. (KATV) — For nearly half a century, RV enthusiasts have been attending the Arkansas RV Show, and this year marks the 49th time the event has rolled into town. The Statehouse ...
Di Inggris bagian utara terdapat peninggalan sejarah yang mengungkap kehidupan era Kekaisaran Romawi. Itulah Tembok Hadrian yang dibangun pada 122 M dengan panjang sekitar 73 mil atau 122 km. Bangunan ...
The pocket-sized V1 camera squeezes a ton of tech in a small package, including Canon's best autofocus and active cooling for long-form video recording. But there's no US launch date yet.
Canon has announced the PowerShot V1 large-sensor vlogging compact, but for now, at least, it is only available in Asia. We get the impression it will be made more widely available at some point in ...
Clone Robotics, a startup with roots in the United States and Poland, has introduced its latest innovation: the Protoclone V1. This full-bodied synthetic human prototype has both fascinated and ...
The PowerShot V1 features a new sensor from Canon and integrated cooling so you can capture 4K videos for over two hours. The PowerShot V1 features a new sensor from Canon and integrated cooling ...
Jakarta: Arkeolog yang sedang menggali sebuah benteng Spanyol berusia hampir 5.000 tahun menemukan jasad seorang pria dari zaman Romawi kuno. Jasad pria, yang meninggal antara usia 25 dan 35 tahun, ...
The star of the show is Canon’s newly developed 1.4-inch CMOS sensor, the largest ever in a PowerShot camera. It’s nearly twice the size of the standard 1.0-inch sensors found in compact ...