Hawaiʻi is considered the epicenter of rat lungworm disease, which is spread when people accidentally consume snails and ...
Researchers found first strain of henipavirus in North America. What you need to know about new virus in wild animals that ...
Rodent infestations are much bigger problem in some American counties for a variety of reasons.Counties with colder weather, ...
THE cold weather can make you want to hunker down and shelter from the elements. Unfortunately, this cosy time of year is ...
Rodents invade an estimated 16.2 million U.S. homes every year, posing serious risks to health and safety. While diligent ...
Burgeoning rat populations are a big problem for cities ... Some of these can be severe, such as leptospirosis, also called ...
Large rat populations can have a damaging effect on cities. Researchers found that living with rats " impacts people and ...
The state agency warns that the snails were found to have a "low-level presence" of rat lungworm. They note that likelihood ...
Valley fever cases hit record numbers, leaving many with one question: Where does it come from? One KJZZ listener wondered if ...
Climate change, especially warming winters, is linked to rising rat populations in cities, according to a new study. It found ...
Rodents invade an estimated 16.2 million U.S. homes every year, posing serious risks to health and safety. While diligent ...