Every year, January 1 marks a new crop of artists and artworks entering the public domain, a holiday affectionately known to some as Public Domain Day. This year, works by Henri Matisse ...
Each year a fresh batch of creative works becomes available for free use on public domain day (Jan. 1), meaning their copyright times out. In practice, that looks like other artists being able to ...
Following recent notable additions to the public domain that include Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse ...
And the Disney icon’s public domain presence expands ... But the comics about the boy reporter, the creation of Belgian artist Hergé, were among the most popular in Europe for much of ...
However, since 2019, some of those existing copyrights have been expiring, meaning that those characters entered the public domain, as their owners lost exclusive rights to their likeness.
A series of classic songs and musical arrangements have entered the Public Domain this year; here are just a few of them.