The FDA approved a wide range of therapies in 2024, including many new molecular entities and biological products.
The US healthcare system’s focus on activity rather than value for money was behind the demise of Proteus Digital Health and its “digital pill”, which measured whether schizophrenia patients ...
Throughout our lives, we’re exposed to all sorts of bacteria, viruses and other bugs. These infections don’t arrive one by one – they’re often overlapping, and our immune system is ...
Thus, formed colistin is active against MDR bacteria and CMS is an inactive prodrug. Colistin displaces divalent cations from the phosphate groups of membrane lipids, which leads to disruption of ...
A bacterial gene is the minimal contiguous stretch of DNA in a bacterium that contains the expressed and regulatory sequences sufficient to complement the function of a null mutation in trans.
One can identify within minutes the strain of bacterial infection present, while another goes on to test which antibiotics are most appropriate to treat the infection, said NICE. The four tests ...
[1] Other organisms also commonly cause infection in patients with otitis externa. Cultures obtained from the deeper part of the ear canal can be helpful in tailoring therapy to the offending ...
Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, archaea, fungi and protozoa. This discipline includes fundamental research on the biochemistry, physiology ...