The 77th Prix Italia Festival will be held in Naples from 20 to 24 October. The Prix Italia Competition is open to all broadcaster organisations, both private and public service. If your broadcaster ...
This is a highly original modern-day « opera buffa », to be praised for its seductive universal approach. The Prix Italia jury had no hesitation in awarding the top prize to this truly witty, ...
A documentary directed by Andrzej Celiński has won Best Artistic Film at the 67th Prix Italia, said to be the oldest and most prestigious international festival devoted to TV. The Cabaret of Death is ...
The Italian Grand Prix is a motorsport event that forms one round of the Formula One World Championship. Held at the iconic Monza circuit, the race is Ferrari’s home event and also has the ...
Il premio speciale Prix Italia-Ifad-Copeam - che competa il palmarès di questa 75/a edizione - è stato assegnato a «Plastica Connection», di Teresa Paoli, giornalista e film-maker, inviata di ...
Così il presidente della Regione Puglia Michele Emiliano dal palco del Teatro Petruzzelli durante il gala di apertura di Prix Italia, la manifestazione internazionale promossa dalla Rai che ...